[scientific-artistic committee]

Alejandro Ahmed (Grupo cena 11/Florianópolis): director, performer and choreographer, has received prizes from APCA, Revista BRAVO ! and Sérgio Motta. http://www.cena11.com.br/

Daniela Brasil (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) : artist and independent curator, works with urban interventions and lives in transit between Brazil, Germany and Portugal. http://www.danielabrasil.net

Fabiana Dultra Britto (PPGDança/UFBA) : PhD in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP. Teacher and  coordinator of the post-graduation programme in Dance at UFBA. Dance critic associated to APCA, she collaborated in the magazines Reportagem (SP) and Palavra (BH). Independent curator in dance. Supervisor and performer of projects of choreographic investigation. Created and coordinated the mapping project on contemporary dance realized by Rumos Dança-2000 from Itaú Cultural and organized the resulting publication: "Cartografia da Dança".

Glória Ferreira (PPGAV/UFRJ) :  PhD in Art History at Université de Paris I. Art critic, independent curator, retired teacher from the Escola de Belas Artes/UFRJ. Publications in various national and international magazines,co-editor of the Arte & Ensaios magazine, director of Coleção Arte + (Jorge Zahar Editor). Among other publications, Conversas entre Nelson Felix e Glória Ferreira, 2005, and the  co-organization of Clement Greenberg e o debate crítico, 1997 and Escritos de Artistas anos 60/70, 2006 can be highlighted.

Guilherme Bueno (EAVPL- RJ) : PhD in Visual Arts at UFRJ, historian and art critic. Teacher at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, member editorial team of Arte & Ensaios magazine. Articles and essays published in various magazines, books and catalogues. Author of A Teoria como Projeto - Argan, Greenberg, Hitchcock (Jorge Zahar, 2007), of the catalogue Mapa do agora (Instituto Tomie Ohtake, 2002) and co-author of the CD-Rom Cronologia da arte brasileira (Funarte, 2005).

Luis Antônio Baptista (PPG-Psicologia/UFF) : PhD in Social Psychology at USP (post-doc at SSMI and USS – Italy). Teacher at Universidade Federal Fluminense. In the field of psychology his work emphasizes the politic subjectivity, social exclusion, the urban experience and the subjectivity.  Amongst his various publications, the following are  highlighted:  A Cidade dos Sábios. Reflexões sobre a dinâmica social nas grandes cidades (Summus Editorial, 1999), A Fábrica de Interiores (Eduff, 2000) and Dialética dos movimentos sociais no Brasil: por que a reforma psiquiátrica? (Encarte, 2004)

Eliana Kuster: video artist and teacher on asthetics and art history.  her body of work focuses the relations between cinema and urban social life. She has various published essays and videos on this  subject.

Margareth da Silva Pereira (PROURB/UFRJ) : PhD in History at EHESS - Paris (post-doc at IUP, Paris, and at CUH, Leicester), CNPq researcher. Teacher at PROURB/UFRJ and author of several books, books chapters, articles and exhibitions in the field of cultural studies, especially in the fields of art, architecture, landscape architecture and urbanism. She has been dedicating her studies to the analysis of the historiographic discourses (about and inside) the brazilian field. Editor of the books : Urbanismo em questão: ensino, teorias e práticas (PROURB, 2003), Os Correios e Telégrafos no Brasil (MSP/ ECT, 1999), Le Corbusier e o Brasil (TESSELA/PROJETO, 1987).

Paola Berenstein Jacques (PPG-AU/UFBA) : PhD in Art History at Université de Paris I (post-doc at LAIOS/CNRS and LAA/EAPLV - França).  Teacher and vice-coordinator at PPG-AU/FAUFBA, CNPq researcher. Published the books: Les favelas de Rio (l'Harmattan, 2001); Estética da Ginga (Casa da Palavra, 2001); Esthétique des favelas (l'Harmattan, 2003); Maré, vida na favela (Casa da Palavra, 2002); Apologia da Deriva (Casa da Palavra, 2003), Corps et Décors urbains (l'Harmattan, 2006), and Corpos e cenários urbanos (Edufba, 2006).

Regina Helena Alves da Silva (PPGHIS e PPGCOM/UFMG) : PhD in Social History at USP. Teacher at the post-graduation programmes in History and Social Communication from UFMG, CNPq researcher. Experienced in the fields of   Cultura Social History and Contemporary Cultures and Communication. Amongst various publications ate the books:  Imagens do Brasil: modos de ver, modos de conviver (Autêntica, 2002), Album de Bello Horizonte (Autêntica, 2002), O Legislativo e a Cidade: domínios de construção do espaço público (Camara Municipal de Belo Horizonte, 1998), Cenas de um Belo Horizonte (Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte, 1994).

Robert Moses Pechman (IPPUR/UFRJ) : PhD in History at UNICAMP (post-doc at EHESS-Paris). Teacher at Instituto de Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional/UFRJ, where he works with the research field of Culture and City. Faperj researcher. Author of various essays about city, sociability and culture. Amongst various publications, the following are highlighted: Cidades estreitamente vigiadas (Casa da Palavra), Estado, Povo e Nação. Gênese do urbanismo no Brasil, Olhares sobre a cidade (EdUFRJ).

Ronald Duarte (colective Imaginário Periférico/Rio de Janeiro) : artist, performer, member of the editorial team of Arte/Ensaios magazine. http://www.corocoletivo.org/imaginarioperif/index.htm